


  • 통화/문자 무제한 플랜
  • 10 GB 데이터
  • Validity : 30일

더 많은 상품 보러가기

구입절차 및 개통신청

  1. 고객님의 통신사에 연락하여 Unlock 확인.
  2. Plug & Go 상품. (개통신청서 필요없음).
  3. 현지에 도착 후, 심카드 교체.
  4. 데이터 로밍 ON (로밍 동의 창에 모두 동의 누르고 확인 눌러주세요).

제품 상세설명

10GB 데이터, 30일 동안 무제한 통화 및 문자를 사용 하실수 있는 심카드 상품이며, 유럽, 영국, 미국, 호주, 남미 등 포함 71개국에서 사용가능합니다. 모든 Unlocked 휴대폰에서 사용이 가능하며, 심카드를 삽입하면 바로 activation이 되는 상품입니다. 여행하는 나라에 도착 후에 activation을 권장드립니다.

The plan starts as soon as you insert the card into a phone. ONLY INSERT CARD INTO PHONE WHEN YOU ARE REDY TO USE IT. No personal ID required for registration, Plug and GO. It is suitable for all unlocked phones. Self-activation takes only 3 minutes, we advise to activate on landing to the UK or EU.

To find out the preloaded balance, simply dial 444, select option 1 then option 2 to listen to the remaining balance and allowances.

How to Activate 3UK SIM Card

  1. Choose the size of the SIM by carefully pressing out the required size, these days the majority of the new smartphones use the nano size (i.e. the smallest), but Micro (Medium) and standard size are also available.
  2. Insert the SIM into your UNLOCKED phone, go to phone SETTING and enable “DATA & DATA ROAMING”. Wait for a signal, if you do not get a good signal, then this activation process cannot be completed. Simply move to a different area to retry.
  3. A few welcome messages will arrive from 3UK. One of which will inform you of your UK mobile number. Please make a note of this, then restart your phone. Unlimited Calls/Texts to any EU/UK numbers are included using the phone in any part of Europe. (When in the UK, calls are to UK numbers only).
  4. This whole process should take less than 5 minutes. We strongly recommend you activate when you land in the UK or Europe as this will give you max 30 days of use.

3UK 심카드 사용 가능 국가


Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (Includes the Canary Islands, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Balearic Islands, Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Formentera), Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Isle of Man, Republic of Ireland.

Asia & Middle East

Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Macau, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam

North America

United States of America (USA)

Central & South America

Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay


Australia, New Zealand





뉴스레터 구독

